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{slider= Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal: Towards a Meaningful Collaboration between the SPVM and Indigenous Communities |closed}

Image FAQ EngThis research report has been prepared in the context of mobilisation around the public issue that is missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) in Canada. This work examines this “social crisis” within the specific context of Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal, given that urban Aboriginal communities are an important phenomenon in Quebec, that the majority of cases of disappearances and murders of Indigenous women and girls occur within urban spaces, and that there is an inherent lack of data pertaining specifically to Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal.

The goal of this research is to better understand the response of the Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) to MMIWG. Our research shows that there is a consensus as to the necessity of a collaboration between the SPVM, and community as well as Indigenous organisations in order to establish efficient means of addressing the issue. It is noted that many difficulties encumber the relationship and therefore the collaboration between the SPVM and persons affected by MMIWG. Interviews were conducted both with members of the SPVM and with community workers, and a discourse analysis of these has allowed us to shed light on the various dimensions of difficulty that have affected collaboration.

We believe that not only does the phenomenon of MMIWG need to be addressed within the legal framework of human rights, but so should the authorities’ response to this situation. It is also within this framework that we have made eight recommendations to the attention of the SPVM and public authorities.

FAQ Logo New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council Logo

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{slider= Brochure on the criminalization of human rights defenders in Guatemala |closed}

pamphlet PAQG CIDDHU imageIn the winter of 2017, the UQAM International Clinic for the Defense of Human Rights (CIDDHU) examined the criminalization of human rights defenders in the context of the denunciation of extractive activities, in a comparative perspective between Guatemala and Canada with the collaboration of the Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatelama (PAQG) and Guatemalan human rights defenders. This mandate addressed Canada’s role, particularly with respect to impunity for violations arising out of the activities of Canadian mining companies abroad. As part of the research carried out, the PAGQ and the CIDDHU have developed a brochure contextualizing the phenomenon, detailing the strategies at work in the criminalization of human rights defenders in Guatemala and outlining some recommendations relating to this issue. This project was carried out in collaboration with the Canadian Partnership for International Justice, funded by the Canadian Council for Social Sciences and Humanities Research.

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{slider=Training guide on adequate practices that must be followed by police officers and prison guards in Guinea in order to prevent torture}

Manuel formation lutte contre torture CIDDHU CPDH pDuring winter 2015, the CIDDHU created a training manual which included some of the recommendations made by the committee against torture (CAT) towards the Republic of Guinea. The manual was created in collaboration with the Guinea centre for the promotion and protection of human rights (CPDH). More precisely, this guide was directed towards two categories of public officers in Guinea: police officers and prison guards. Since both these agents have the power to constraint, the manual aims to train these officers in regards to the prohibition of the use of torture, the detrimental impacts of the use of torture and the proper practices to employ in order to avoid the use of torture methods.

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{slider=Report on access to perinatal care for precarious status migrants and their children in the province of Quebec}

Soins périnatauxDuring winter 2015, students from the CIDDHU created a reports on the access to perinatal care for precarious status migrants and their children in the province of Quebec entitled “L’accès aux soins périnataux pour toutes les femmes au Québec: Mythe ou réalité ?”. This report was created in collaboration with “Médecins du monde Canada”, whose objective is to fight for the right to health of precarious status migrants. First, the report shines light on the difficult situation and obstacles precarious status migrants face when it comes to access to perinatal care. These obstacles can take several forms whether they be legislative, administrative, linguistic, etc. Second, the report aims to show the legal international standards existing and applicable for precarious status migrant’s specific situations.

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{slider=Guide “Mettre fin à la torture en Guinée”}

guide mettre fin à la tortureIn May of 2014, the committee against torture elaborated its final observations and recommendations regarding the need for the Republic of Guinea to respect the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. In the winter of 2014, a group of students from the CIDDHU participated in the creation of a monitoring guide concerning the final observations of the Committee against torture. This guide serves as a surveillance tool to keep track of the Republic of Guinea’s application of the recommendations made by the Committee. Furthermore, this guide was developed with the collaboration of the Guinea centre for promotion and the protection of human rights (CPDH).

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{slider=Guide of the social responsibility of corporations in international law}

manuel de formation destiné à Kay Fanm

During winter 2014, a CIDDHU team produced a report of the responsibility of corporations in international law, more specifically on their responsibility towards international children’s rights. The initiative for this report had been brought by the International Bureau for Children’s rights in order to celebrate the 25th year since the creation of the international Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This brief report explains the present state of international law in regards to the international and social responsibilities of corporations and is addressed to all readers (human rights advocates, corporations, lawyers, academic community, etc). The report shines light on the existing international instruments and mechanisms related to the responsibility of corporations and ends by observing the way corporate responsibility is addressed in Canada.

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{slider=Developing an implementation strategy for the decisions relating to ESCR: the example of territorial rights in the Inter-American system}

developper strategie mise en oeuvre desc

During the 2013 winter semester, a CIDDHU team studied the implementation of decisions relating to economic, social and cultural rights, in partnership with the ESCR-Net network. The students analyzed a series of judgements of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights comprising orders regarding territorial rights. They were able to determine comprehensive strategies of implementation for this type of decision. The strategies are regrouped in a summary document that can serve as a guidebook for similar cases. 

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{slider=Protection and defense of the rights of Haitian women by the Inter-American human rights system}

protection droits femmes haitiennes

In winter 2011, a CIDDHU team drafted a training manual for the NGO Kay Fanm. Then, this document was refined by two students of the CIDDHU during an internship at Port-au-Prince in the summer of 2011. This manual and the training that accompanies it aim at reinforcing the capacities of Kay Fanm in relation to remedies with the Inter-American human rights system, in cases of sexual violence. This document is now used both for the training of Kay Fanm team members and for the development of tools adapted to the standards of the Inter-American system. 

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{slider=Memorandum: « Discrimination, HIV/AIDS and International Law in Rwanda: a Case Study of Life Insurance Contracts»}

discrimination vih sida rwanda

A CIDDHU team drafted a memorandum on people living with HIV/AIDS as a part of a partnership established with the National University of Rwanda. More specifically, this document deals with access to insurance services with regards to the right to non-discrimination. In this framework, the team examined the issue of mandatory tests and recurring refusals of certain companies. This report contains various recommendations and presents the possible remedies in case of discrimination.

Consult the report: French, English

{slider=Report on systemic violation by Russia of the European Convention for Human Rights}

rapport violation systemique par russie

In the fall of 2010, a team of students worked on the drafting of a memorandum that aimed at proving the systemic violation by Russia of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, by using article 1 of the Convention. This was the first time the article was used in this purpose. The argument was developed for a case of illegal adoption and violation of judicial guarantees. 

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