To participate

The requirements to register are the following :

  • Have completed a class in international public law or in international human rights law;
  • Have accumulated the number of credits required to be eligible to do an internship in their respective programs;
  • Obtain the authorisation of the program.


Students in the International relations and international law program (BRIDI)

• Must have completed the course JUR3501 (Droit international public) OR the course JUR6650 (La personne et le droit international) OR the course JUR6635 (Droit international des droits économiques, sociaux et culturelles).
• Must be registered to a potential of 57 credits for the semester in which you wish to participate to the CIDDHU.
• Must obtain the authorization of the program’s direction after an evaluation of your academic record

Students in the Law program


• Must have completed the course JUR3501 (Droit international public) OR the course JUR6650 (La personne et le droit international) OR the course JUR6635 (Droit international des droits économiques, sociaux et culturelles).
• Must be registered to a potential of 41 credits, of which 35 are obligatory, for the semester in which you wish to participate to the CIDDHU.
• Must obtain the authorization of the program’s direction after the evaluation of your academic record


• For the student in the BRIDI or the Law program who fufill the above mentioned criteria, your admission request must be sent by email to the assistant of your program’s direction.
• Mme Sylvie Bouchard (International relation and international law)
• Mme Arlette Gagnon (Law)

Students in the Master of Law program


• The course is available to students in the Master of Law program, with a concentration of international law (with or without thesis), in the list of the optional programs.
• You can contact Mme Louise Bédard, assistant in the management of advanced studies ( if you wish to participate.