

Laurence Guenette

“Participating in a human rights clinic like the CIDDHU is not only a way to gain tools, experience and to apply theory to practical tasks. It is, first and foremost, an commitment based on solidarity that allows us to anchor previous theoretical learning to the emotional experience that triggered our interest in human rights and social justice.”

Guillaume Loiselle-Boudreau

“My involvement with the CIDDHU helped me better understand how the Inter-American System for the protection of human rights works by working on an actual case. I highly recommend taking a class with the CIDDHU and, if possible, following up with an internship to every student interested in human rights defense and adovcacy.” 

Antoine Lavoie

“What I liked the most about my experience with the CIDDHU was the practical part of the work, which allowed my classmate and I to try something new. The fight led by human rights defenders in the last few years regarding the social, economic and cultural rights has mostly been focused on their justiciability and the acknowledgment of violations by different systems of human rights protection.”

Valérie Kelly

“I am glad that I participated in the CIDDHU for two reasons: not only did it allow me to directly help an NGO in its fight against human rights violations, but it also gave me the opportunity to live a practical experience in a field towards which I have a high interest.”